Tag: earline

AwesomeGang.com Author Interview with Joey Pinkney

AwesomeGang: Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. Joey Pinkney: So far, I have published four standalone short stories, one novelette and a short Twitter guide. Instead of writing longer pieces, I craft shorter tales that are multi-layered and full of symbolism. I also provide bonus materials with my stories, such […]

The Legend of Tanisha Biggers’ First Review

After being available for download for about a month, The Legend of Tanisha Biggers (TLoTB) FINALLY got its first review. I’m sure there will be more to come as I continue to spread the word about this story, but, for me, the first review marks an important point in a story’s life cycle. It’s proof-positive […]

The Past, The Present and The (Not So) Future of Teddy

The Rule of 3: The Past, The Present and The (Not So) Future of Teddy in “The Legend of Tanisha Biggers: Deluxe Edition” Teddy’s character is the progenitor of the Black Haven Series, and his magnetic energy pulled other powerful characters into my creative view.