The Legend of Tanisha Biggers’ First Review
After being available for download for about a month, The Legend of Tanisha Biggers (TLoTB) FINALLY got its first review. I’m sure there will be more to come as I continue to spread the word about this story, but, for me, the first review marks an important point in a story’s life cycle. It’s proof-positive that somebody, anybody, read the story.
And that’s what we authors write for, right? To be read? (Rhetorical.) More importantly, a review denotes that the story compelled someone to give their opinion of the story – good or bad. Without further ado, here is the review The Legend of Tanisha Biggers: Deluxe Edition:
Let me just say, I’ve read these three stories [Cardinal Rule, Swiggers and TLoTB] before, so I did wonder, “Why a [Deluxe Edition]?” But this [version of TLoTB] made me feel like I was reading them all for the first time and gave me great insight as well as clarity to how they relate.
I had so many ah-ha moments as I was reading the author’s notes about each story. Joey Pinkney is a very clever writer. I love his unique writing style and the way things are not always what they seem. Be prepared to think outside the box when you read this author’s work. He has a quirky and unique style, writes his own way, plus he’s one intelligent man.
We all know or may be related to an Earline, Teddy, Lomax, Vida, Tanisha, etc. Those hot summer days, the corner stores or a group of old men hanging out on the stoop drinking some Mad Dog 20/20. Thanks for the memories.
Many, many thanks to the author Christine Pauls for the review. She gave the short stories Cardinal Rule and Swiggers a chance when they first came out and has been very supportive ever since. She was gracious enough to be a beta reader for TLoTB, so she saw a pre-published version. Without giving spoilers, this review sheds light on how interconnected and robust the three stories are when they are read back-to-back-to-back from someone who has experienced the three stories individually.
The Legend of Tanisha Biggers is available as a stand-alone novelette or as a Deluxe Edition anthology (which includes the previously published short stories Cardinal Rule and Swiggers). For more information: