Cardinal Rule One-Year Anniversary Giveaway

Joey Pinkney 


A few days ago marked the one-year anniversary of the publication of “Cardinal Rule: a short story” via SolaPress Publishing.

I’m celebrating the one-year anniversary of the publication of “Cardinal Rule,” and my journey as an author, by doing an exclusive Giveaway of the Kindle Edition of the short story. All you have to do to enter the giveaway is to comment on this post. I will contact you at the email address you used to leave the comment. I will gift to you “Cardinal Rule” for you to read via your Kindle enable device. (I’m giving away a total of 12 copies.)

I toyed around with the idea of being a published author for decades. Roughly a year ago, mid-2015, I told myself I was going to be more proactive in getting my stories published. I was preparing “Children in the City of the Fallen Towers” for publication, but was hit with the ideas for a story that eventually became “Cardinal Rule.” The inspiration was so intense that I ran with it. I stopped everything and wrote that story.

August 24, 2015, “Cardinal Rule” became available on Amazon Kindle. For this story, I took a character from a previously written story, Teddy from “Swiggers” and paired him with a new character Earline Jones.

During an ice cream date, Teddy and Earline flirt with each other while verbally jousting their way through a conversation. Earline seduces Teddy with the way she eats her strawberry ice cream. Teddy melts her heart with his offbeat sense of humor. They give their personal, and sometimes conflicting, views on the concept of love. They discuss the viability of being in a relationship together. And the ending? Let just say, it left a few readers wanting more…

Please note: If you don’t know how to use Amazon or a Kindle or the Kindle app, this giveaway isn’t for you. With that said, thank you to all of my supporters worldwide. And if you haven’t read a Joey Pinkney short story, this may be your lucky day.

Recommended Posts Author Interview with Joey Pinkney Tell us about yourself and what inspired you to start writing. Joey Pinkney: I like chocolate, in abundance. I like finding obscure books. Well, ‘obscure’ is subjective. Better stated, I like hunting for books about highly specific topics – such as writing guides, certain history books and other possible gems.

Joey Pinkney 

37 thoughts on “Cardinal Rule One-Year Anniversary Giveaway

  1. Gerald Johnson

    You know I had to drop by… Good luck Sir Chocolate

    1. Joey Pinkney

      I’m very appreciative. LOL

  2. Mia

    Congratulations on your first year anniversary! May you have many more successes in your endeavors as a published author.

  3. James Gordon

    Cannot wait to read another of JP’s stellar short stories

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you very much, sir.

  4. Cecil

    Congrats on your 1yr anniversary!

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you very much, Cecil. I appreciate that.

  5. Joey Pinkney

    Thank you everyone for commenting and participating in the giveaway. I really appreciate it.

  6. Aisha Hammonds (A. Life 3Dots)

    You already know I had to come get a crumb of chocolate. Lol… But congrats on your 1year anniversary. I pray all things come to you.

    1. Joey Pinkney

      LOL Hey, Aisha! Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate that.

  7. Maryann

    Congrats on the anniversary, Joey. I would be honored to win a copy of the story. I love short stories.

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Hello, Maryann. Thank you very much. I will get that to you as soon as possible.

  8. Joey Pinkney

    Current Winners of the Giveaway:
    1. Gerald Johnson
    2. Mia H.
    3. James Gordon
    4. Maryann Miller
    5. Cecil King
    6. Norma Valentin
    7. Avril Somerville
    8. Immac Reno
    9. Christopher Charles Bartlett
    10. you
    11. you
    12. you

  9. Norma Valentin

    Congratulations on one year. I pray year two is even more successful and I look forward to reading your work

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you so much, Norma. I hope you like “Cardinal Rule.”

  10. NikkiMo

    Congratulations love!

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank yo so much!

  11. Avril

    Congratulations, fellow writer! Just picked up Swiggers. Looking forward to reading Cardinal Rule. Be well!

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you so much, Avril! Thank you for purchasing Swiggers. I hope you enjoy Cardinal Rule.

  12. Immac Reno

    Congrats Joey on this one year anniversary of Cardinal Rule. I finished Swiggers and would love to read Cardinal rule as well.

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Great. I’ll get “Cardinal Rule” to you ASAP. Thank you so much for your support.

  13. Ramel

    1 year Congrats… Did I win? 🙂

    1. Joey Pinkney

      You are a winner, Ramel! Thank you for participating.

  14. Christopher

    Congratulations on the anniversary and no matter what after reading that synopsis I have to read this story now for sure. I’m still learning all the tricks of the craft as I start to get published now in anthologies. Make sure to do something special for yourself on this anniversary.

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you for the wise words. I’m glad the synopsis for “Cardinal Rule” pulled you in.

      Good luck on your publishing journey, Christopher.

  15. Cat Watkins

    Looking forward to reading it. Authors are librarians’ currency. Always great to have more.

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you so much, Cat.

  16. Gord Elliston

    I wish you lots of luck as an author. It is a very fulfilling and educational hobby and possibly a great career for you.

    1. Joey Pinkney

      I appreciate that, Gord.

  17. Jennifer Lynch

    Hello, please let me know if I am a winner – it looks interesting.
    I’m also an author. My kindle isn’t working but if you are able to send
    a PDF copy, that will be great!

    Best Wishes
    Jennifer Lynch

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you for commenting. This is fo the Kindle version only.

  18. M.Ludwig

    Good luck.

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you very much.

  19. Kim Purser

    Congrats on the 1yr anniversary may you have many more.
    I have to say I am an avid e-book reader on my knndle enabled tablet.
    I used to hate reading until e-books came along.

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you so much. I appreciate it. I think you’ll like this Kindle ebook short story.

  20. Theodene

    Wow, interesting and intriguing!

    1. Joey Pinkney

      Thank you very much!

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